Glacier Bag To Put Beer On Ice Flouts Indiana Cold Beer Law
The Chill Indiana Glacier Bag is on sale now in a number of Indiana convenience stores.

(Indianapolis, Ind.) – Indiana convenience stores are not legally allowed to sell cold beer, but they continue to try and find clever ways to circumvent the law.
Earlier this year, the state legislature legalized Sunday alcohol sales, but cold beer sales by grocery and convenience stores remains illegal. All retailers except liquor stores must sell beer at room temperature.
The Indianapolis Star reports that some retailers are now selling Chill Indiana Glacier Bags. Customers can purchase the bags for the suggested retail price of $6.99 each, place their warm beer in the bag, then fill it with ice.
Customers are encouraged to reuse the bag on subsequent trips to convenience or grocery stores.
Stores in several Indiana communities are already selling the chill bags, but none in southeastern Indiana.
Because customers can't ice their beer until after the point of sale, state law does not prohibit the activity.
The Chill Indiana Glacier Bag is the latest attempt by the Indiana Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores Association to combat liquor stores' exclusive right to sell cold carry-out beer. Last year, convenience store chain Ricker’s exploited a loophole in the state’s liquor law by offering prepared food on site and having the requisite number of seats to qualify for a restaurant permit, allowing two stores in Columbus and Sheridan to sell cold beer.
Click here to read the article at Eagle Country Online.