Device Charger & Bottle Opener

phone charger and bottle opener in one

This charger sync cable and bottle opener combo is a great way to always be prepared wherever you go. It's equipped with a USB sync cable that is compatible with iPhone 5, 5s, 5C, 6, 6 Plus, iPad Mini, 4Gen, Air, iPod Touch (5 Gen), Nano (7 Gen), and also has a built-in bottle opener. Small enough to carry in your pocket, keep in your car, or attach it to your keyring so it's always with you.

This item can be branded with your logo, and used for a promotional piece that your customers will keep with them at all times.


  • Multi-use charger and bottle opener
  • Brand it with your logo
  • Maintain top-of-mind awareness with your customers
  • Stand out from the competition